The Veggie Sisters

Νόστιμες και υγιεινές vegan συνταγές

Nick Vujicic: No arms, no legs, no worries!

 Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic

 Hello, everybody! Today’s post is dedicated to a special man, a symbol of courage, power and will! A friend of mine recently talked to me about him and I was really astonished at his accomplishments! He is really worth mentioning and you will soon understand why!We all have the tendency to nag all the time and consider ourselves victims of fate for any kind of reason. If we need ten things to be happy and we have nine of them, we will still be complaining about the only thing that we don’t have…In this way we cancel our happiness and we are never satisfied and serene!We break up and think that it’s the end of the world. We lose our job and feel depressed. We find out that our husband or wife cheats on us and feel devastated. Our object of desire turns us down and we are struck by melancholy! We can’t afford everything we would like to buy and we nag about our financial status. We put on weight and become hysterical! The list is endless…the human kind is remarkably talented in inventing new sources of pain and turning life to hell! We can whip ourselves every day for different reasons or be tormented by one and only affliction…and years go by…. and happiness lasts only for a moment…and life becomes a struggle to satisfy our needs! Unhappiness is our loyal companion and a bitter taste lingers in our hearts constantly!

 Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic

Of course I am not different from other people…I often get trapped in meaningless and painful dead ends. Nevertheless I always try to keep in mind that above all I have to be grateful for all the things I have and that I must not complain about what I don’t have. The truth is that the good things outnumber by far the bad ones! By “inhaling” gratitude our life becomes better and more meaningful…

 Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic
There are people that have much less and yet are content, blissful and balanced! Nick Vujicic is one of them! He was born in Australia 29 years ago and had no arms and no legs. In other words he was composed of a limbless body! When he was a little boy, he wanted to commit suicide but the love for his parents stopped him from putting an end to his life! When he realised that his example gives courage to people, his life changed and got finally a meaning! Today not only has he come to terms with his disability but also he uses it to help other people! He has started a non profit organisation (“life without limbs”) and travels all around the world giving talks as a motivational speaker and inspiring people to follow the example he has set. Close your eyes while watching the video. Just listen to his voice! I am sure that from the way he talks and the sound of his voice you won’t think that he is a pour disabled and devastated -by -fate man! On the contrary his voice is full of energy and optimism, it is the voice of a satisfied and happy man who knows how to overcome obstacles and live a real life….
 Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic
I hope you will be touched by Nick as much as I was…Next time you will be complaining about something, ask yourselves if it is really worthy it….Have a good afternoon!



 Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic
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