The Veggie Sisters

Νόστιμες και υγιεινές vegan συνταγές
Πανεύκολο κ νόστιμο φυτικό τριμμένο τυράκι (παρμεζάνα)
Χωρίς κατηγορία

Super easy and yummy vegan cheese (grated)

Για την συνταγή στα Ελληνικά πατήστε εδώ

Cashews are the favorite nut of all the vegans in the world! They are really blessed cause you can make so many things with them and they are a great substitute for dairy products. This vegan cheese is made with cashews, almonds, nutritional yeast. It is ideal for pasta. Even if you are not vegan you should try it if you want to avoid animal products. The first pasta dish we topped with this vegan cheese is linguini with tomato basil sauce! Heavenly!!!

Have a lovely day!

Πανεύκολο κ νόστιμο φυτικό τριμμένο τυράκι (παρμεζάνα) - Super easy and yummy vegan grated cheese
Φυτικό τριμμένο τυράκι (παρμεζάνα)

Ingredients (yields 2 cups):
1 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup almond flakes
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1/3 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper


Put all ingredients in a blender and pulse until well ground. Store in a an airtight jar in the fridge.

Πανεύκολο κ νόστιμο φυτικό τριμμένο τυράκι (παρμεζάνα) - Super easy and yummy vegan grated cheese
Φυτικό τριμμένο τυράκι (παρμεζάνα)


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